Thursday, March 3, 2011


The world of magazines, television, and the internet has completely consumed and enveloped our society and the pictures therein the medium has rewritten our language from that of text to image. Each day we consume these images that attribute to our perception of reality and
shape our views on the world around us. My thesis will examine that all of us face, which deals with issue of beauty, reality, and commercialism and ultimately IDENTITY and our view of our identity. In order to make this piece I will combine my two favorite crafts of video and film in order to make the piece. THe video will include snippets of each of the identnies I choose which are placed on a loop for the viewer to get up close and personal with and will feel as though they are being interacted with. The video will be projected onto a massive print that will contain two sides. One side will the fake surreal world that the model is trapped in while the opposing will contain the real world. The viewer will see that while we look to be the model the model longs to be apart of our world.
My experience with this topic has always been present with me and I feel that it is my calling to act on this project. For example all of my jobs have been in media, photography, and marketing so I have a certain obsession that has developed from these genres which has made me
very critical, judgmental, accepting, and fearful of the ads that present a certain “perfection”. My previous work was primarily done using photography and film which is the area I am most interested in and also have the most experience in. The courses that I have taken in the past to enhance my project include Video Editing, Alternative Substrates, Digital Arts in Context, among many others at both Pratt and during my undergrad where I majored in Arts and Technology with an emphasis in Film and Photography and a minor in Art History. I have also interned at Trailer Park which is a company that handled a majority of the print work for Hollywood and also at Art Partner where I work alongside the top
photography talent in the agency. I am related to this piece in many levels, one of which is my obsession with models and the advertisement industry. Also I look at Thesis as my last final step in school and a transition into the “real world” and I am looking to prepare myself for a world in the fashion photography industry. With my project I will be able to study and examine fashion photography with a critical eye which will enhance my own work both on an aesthetic and educational level.