Saturday, February 5, 2011


As a requirement for the class I recently set out to the MOMA museum to find inspiration for my thesis project. As I have stated before my thesis will surround many topics regarding young people and how our connection to social media and a society that is fueled on pop culture has lead to our constant drive and desire to be famous. Something that has become very interesting to me is the idea of linking fame to art so I viewed the work in the MOMA museum of the artist turned celebrity of Andy Warhol. I have done much research on Warhol from last semester and what I am most interested in, in his work is more his stature as an artist rather than the work himself. To further this idea I viewed the work of his moving image segments in the MOMA museum for 2 reasons.
1. To further inspect how I can use video and different video processes in my own work
2. To see what is so special about Andy Warhols films
These films are done over a period of time and are not particulary compelling, they demonstrate the use of time in video, recorded at a real time speed. For example here is footage from Empire.

What I find more interesting than the actual footage is how acclaimed Warhol has become because of this work and how his status and status in general leads to the popularity of work. For example if I made this very same piece it would not only be rejected as a project,  but it would also not make its way into a museum. This shows that the correlation between good art and what is put into a museum is slim and what matters more is who can get their work into a museum.

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